The below chart is a visual guide to the various U.S. executive agencies’ regulation of artificial intelligence by subject area, based in part on President Biden’s October 2023 Executive Order on AI.1
Since the focus of the Order is on “the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence,” it is (perhaps) not surprising that the Order did not specify any plans regarding Promote Innovation and Growth for AI Businesses (Sect. I), including intellectual property issues.2
But for Individual Rights (Sect. II) and Infrastructure/Public Safety (Sect. III) issues:
- which subtopic (II.A-G or III.A-C) does the Order omit, but for which some executive agencies (as listed below) have independently taken initial steps to fill in the gaps?
- and which subtopic have the Order AND all executive agencies to date omitted entirely to date?
Come back next Monday 1/8 for the answers and the start of a discussion of the federal regulation of AI to come and how they will impact your business.
– Jim
P.S. And Happy New Year!

- Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (October 30, 2023). ↩︎
- For my blog article on Are we sure trade secrets are the way to go for protecting your AI, click here. For my blog article on The Law and Ethics of Generative AI Use of Copyrighted Works, click here. And I will be tackling AI and various patent issues in blog articles to come. ↩︎
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[…] is front and center in our federal government’s current framework for AI.1 As noted in my Visual Guide to the U.S. Federal Regulation of AI, there’s seemingly no significant federal agency that does not have a regulatory dog in this […]